
Bulls have sigmoid flexture
Bulls have sigmoid flexture

By identifying the epididymis on the lateral side, ductus deferens on the medial side and the tail of the epididymis caudally, a testicle can be oriented so that left v. Since cryptorchid castration is common in horses, differentiation of right and left testicles is important when only one descended testicle is found so that the surgeon knows where to look for the undescended testicle. In short, the testicle is what is removed by castration.


In common usage the term testicle refers to the testis plus the epididymis and the first part of the ductus deferens. The clinical term oviduct is replaced by uterine tube in the anatomical literature and in human medicine the term tubal ligation is often used. The ductus deferens of anatomy is often called vas deferens in the clinic but anatomists restrict use of the term vas to vessels. Several structures have different names for anatomists and clinicians or animal scientists. Mammary lymph node/superficial inguinal lymph node Subcutaneous abdominal ("milk") veins = cranial & caudal superficial epigastric vv. (be able to differentiate right & left testicles)Ĭrus of the penis ("pizzle eye" in bovine) Compare and contrast the cervical canal of all available specimens. Note the urethral orifice in all species and find the suburethral diverticulum in cow and sow tracts. • Make a dorsal incision from the vulva to the uterine body to expose the lumen of the female genital tract. On mare tracts find the round ligament of the uterus which has a characteristic "tag". • Identify the broad ligament, the uterine horns and the bovine intercornual ligament. Observe the ovarian bursa of all available species and identify the uterine tube, mesovarium, mesosalpinx and antimesosalpinx. On bovine ovaries note the elevated corpra lutea and follicles. • On the mare ovary note the ovulation fossa and smooth surface. Identify the parts of the penile sigmoid flexure and the elongated urethral process of small ruminant males. • On ruminant and porcine specimens note the retractor penis muscle and its attachments.

bulls have sigmoid flexture

Observe the urethral sinus on a midline sectioned demonstration specimen.

bulls have sigmoid flexture

Then identify the glans penis, urethral process, fossa glandis and the small opening of the urethral sinus. • On equine specimens note the layers of the prepuce and the preputial ring. • Identify the urethralis, ischiocavernosus and bulbospongious muscles and note that urethralis muscle fibers partially cover the bulbourethral glands. Then identify the other accessory sex glands in all available species. • Trace the ductus deferens to the genital fold and the ampullae.

bulls have sigmoid flexture

• Study the parts of the testicle and be able to differentiate right versus left testicles.

Bulls have sigmoid flexture