This book destroys doubts by exploring the truth that Christ revealed on these doubts by His behavior, attitudes and teaching. A popular ballad from the early ’70s contained the lyrics, I don’t know where we went wrong, but the feeling’s gone and I just can’t get it back.

loved ones far from God, of dreams dashed on the jagged rocks of reality.

Christ is the light of the world and reveals the will of the Father perfectly. But if God raised Jesus from the dead, nothing else really matters and no one. Doubts like… Is healing the will of God for everyone? Does God have a benevolent purpose in allowing sickness and injury? Is there a special timing to get healed? Do I have enough faith to be healed? Am I being presumptuous by asking for a miracle? Do I have to have a special revelation to receive or perform a miracle? What about people who have had faith for healing but died? What about God giving revelation that He has a reason for a believer being ill or injured? What if I am an intercessor bearing the sickness of others? What about discipline for sin? What about reaping what you have sown? What about abusing your body with drugs, tobacco and alcohol? What if I don’t have the gift of healing? How do you get rid of the shadows that doubts like these cause? You shine the light of Jesus Christ on them. Someone far from harbor you may guide across the bar. Doubt robs many people of what the Father would like to do for them. Find 1117 synonyms for beyond a shadow of a doubt and other similar words that you can use instead based on 3 separate contexts. A few shadows just mean your space has depth, and a sense of life, that makes it feel like a home. While they are qualified to receive healing by virtue of the work of Christ at the cross, they judge themselves disqualified. Many grow up in the Church with the idea that good Christians never doubt, all the while struggling under the weight of crippling doubt themselves. Most people have enough faith to be healed and to heal the sick. Doubt, often regarded as the evil twin brother of faith, is a condition that frequently casts a long shadow over the believer’s life. Doubt, often regarded as the evil twin brother of faith, is a condition that frequently casts a long shadow over the believer’s life.