Once the mission is complete the game is taken six months into the future, where the JYDGE program, after being shown how successful it was, has become the main crime prevention unit – and thus starts the main game.

Armed with a basic gun you move with the left stick, aim with the right, melee with L1 and shoot with R1/R2 – The initial mission teaches you how one wrong move and you could alert the other hostiles who may execute the hostages or home in on your location and try to take you out. You start off as a JYDGE, one of the police’s new initiative crime-fighting measures, and you are dropped right into your first mission, rescue the hostages and take out any hostile criminal. The game is simple in premise but deep in mechanics and customisations.

Whilst not officially anything to do with Judge Dredd or Mega-City One, I couldn’t stop my mind from thinking I was Dredd, running in there to uphold the law whether the suspects deserved it or not!
#Jydge switch review pro#
Imagine the top-down, quick response gameplay of Hotline Miami mixed with the unstoppable Judge Dredd, performing his job by sentencing the criminals and freeing the innocent whilst destroying anything that gets in his way – Sounds good doesn’t it! This is what I felt while playing JYDGE, by 10tons, on the PS4 Pro this weekend.